Improve Health Outcomes and Deliver Quality Care with Sevida™️ Care Management

Give your care managers an industry-first, AI-Driven co-pilot. Our expert technologists and clinicians developed the Sevida Care Management Platform to support integrated whole-person care that addresses all member needs, including physical health, behavioral health, I/DD, traumatic brain injuries, long-term services and supports (LTSS). Join leading healthcare organizations leveraging Sevida to optimize patient outcomes.

How Can Sevida Care Management Serve You?

Technology shouldn’t bog down an already overworked care manager. Sevida was designed to enhance care managers’ abilities to perform at a peak level without compromising the quality of care. With AI-driven care management, healthcare organizations can improve an individual’s health through:

  • Early Detection
  • Integrated Intervention
  • Enhanced SDoH

Sevida drafts care plans from whole-person data and prescribes proactive interventions. Empower your care managers to focus on what matters most – the well-being of your patients.

Features of Sevida Care Management

Caseload Management Made Efficient and Personalized

Sevida revolutionizes caseload management with multiple approaches for assigning members to care managers. Our AI-driven algorithms consider critical factors such as staff acuity weighted caseload, proximity to the member, and specialization for auto-assigning. Additionally, supervisors retain the flexibility to manually assign members, ensuring a seamless and personalized care experience.

Empowering Care Managers with Data-Driven Intake, Screenings, and Assessments

The Sevida Care Management platform empowers care managers with robust intake forms, screenings, and assessments, all informed by real-time data and timely insights. Leveraging rules and algorithms, screenings trigger actionable insights, revealing personalized unmet needs. Native support for standard screenings, like PHQ-9, AIMS, and BPRS, further enhances the comprehensive care management experience.

Effective Personalized, AI-Driven Care Plans with Sevida

Let our AI co-pilot assist your care managers by prescribing needs, goals, and interventions based on member history. These drafted plans establish measurable goals, interventions, and outcomes, with consent managed across the care team. Seamlessly manage resources, notes, audit logs, and more, all within our intuitive care management workflows.

Effortless Admissions, Discharges, and Transfers

Sevida empowers providers with real-time Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) event notifications. This vital information exchange enables timely responses from care managers, thanks to our platform’s suggested prescribed rules driven by advanced algorithms and rules.

Enhance Medication Monitoring and Reconciliation

Sevida integrates with third-party solutions to provide critical medication data management, and reconciliation. Timely monitoring of medication adherence is paramount to ensure optimal outcomes for at-risk members. Our platform seamlessly incorporates member pharmacy data and medication history, aiding care managers in providing the best possible care.

Comprehensive Assessments Tailored to Member Needs

Sevida offers comprehensive assessments tailored to individual member profiles, capturing data on physical health, chronic conditions, environmental factors, and behavioral, intellectual, mental, and substance use challenges. Intuitive and customizable, our rule engine and algorithms identify personalized unmet needs, facilitating targeted interventions.

Efficient Care Coordination with Sevida

Care coordination becomes effortless with Sevida, supporting secure and effective sharing of care activities among all participants involved. Configurable workflows based on care team roles empower care managers to drive the coordination process and provide members with complex needs access to an array of services and resources.

Bridge the Gaps in Care

Identify and address gaps in care within a member’s clinical pathway with Sevida. Our platform employs rules, algorithms, third-party integrations, and descriptive analytics to facilitate the care gap workflow, ensuring no aspect of care is overlooked.

See Sevida AI-Driven Care Management in Action!

Sevida stands at the forefront of AI-driven technology in healthcare, empowering care managers and organizations to transform patient outcomes while reducing healthcare costs. Join us in the journey to revolutionize care management and elevate the standard of healthcare delivery. Request a demo today!